
Only best quality raw materials are used for the manufacture of our spare parts.

For the manufacture of your machinery parts we are equipped with most modern machines. One of our specialities is the manufacture of almost all types of gears.

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We manufacture gears to metric or imperial standards, module 1,5 to 8, hardened, grinded, from straight-cut to V-shaped, and made from all materials.

We are well-equipped for all grinding technologies – pictured below a round grinding machine for 2.500 mm maximum length and 380 mm maximum diameter.

Components for flexographic printing presses, e.g. counter impressions cylinders chromium-plated or ceramic-coated. Print mandrels, standard version or in lightweight design.

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Below left: Assembly of an as-tra counting strip inserter.

Below center/ right: Special design of a folding head for large-format hygienic items Cut-off length up to 610 mm. Major overhaul of a napkin cross folder.

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as-tra GmbH | Lindenallee 14 | D-14621 Schönwalde